
You've read the books, watched the videos, purchased the workshops, even made the changes; but they don't seem to stick. Well, you aren't alone. Most people struggle to make permanent changes. By working together to design your own course of transformation, you'll begin to see progress from the first day.  Below, are some ways that I can serve you.

6 Individual Sessions
$120 per session
$600 PIA

Abraham Lincoln reportedly said, "Most people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be." You already know that happiness doesn't just happen. Wealth and "success" won't make you happy. A lot of people in the world have much harder lives, but they are somehow able find happiness. What do they know that you don't? Probably, nothing. You've just forgotten. With me by your side, you'll find your own path to transformation and remember.

Click here to schedule your Get Acquainted call, right now.

Personal Discovery
16 Individual Sessions
$120 per session
$1,500 PIA

So, you're looking at your life, and you realize that this isn't the life you wanted, at all. You're thinking, "How did I get here?", and "This isn't who I am." Guess what! You aren't the first person that's happened to. At this very moment, thousands of people are having those same thoughts. As we go through life, we take on uncountable beliefs about ourselves that simply aren't true. The hard thing is that those beliefs are what we build our lives on. Then, one day something happens and you realize that it's all wrong. You're unhappy, feeling lost and irrelevant, and wondering why you're here at all. Well, good news! The problem isn't you; it's your platform. As we work together, I'll help you get back to the Real You and build a life that you'll truly love.

Why wait? Click here to schedule your Get Acquainted call.

Mindset Reset
12 Individual Sessions
$120 per session
$1,100 PIA

You're irritable. Things that you used to enjoy aren't so appealing anymore. Even times with friends and family don't bring the joy that they used to. What's going on? Most of the time, these are symptoms of a mindset shift. It usually happens slowly, but not always, and it's subtle. You just have a sort of "lightbulb" moment when you realize that things are not the same, and you don't know how to fix it. That's when you need a Mindset Reset. By refocusing your attention, you can recapture your joie de vivre. The difficulty is often in trying to identify and apply the changes that need to be made. Those are things that I can offer. Working with a mentor, you'll pinpoint specific areas of change, design your own Mindset Reset, and work the course that you've made for yourself. You'll be happier, more positive, and enjoy a more peaceful life.

Click here to schedule your Get Acquainted call, today.